Magnetic 100 Numbers Board 磁性百数板🔢 Any mummy at the stage of teaching kids on number. This tool might helps ya. 有没有妈咪在让孩子学习数字中呢?这款教具会让你事半功倍哦😁 100 numbers board is useful tool to let kids learn numbers. 百数板是很有效的让孩子学数字的一款教具 They can play around with the digits. Can learn on the number sequence. 可以学习号码的次序。还可以运用这些数字磁铁做出各种数字的活动 #educationaltool #learnfromplay #learningnumbers #magneticbook #magneticdigits #deeBtoyshop #数字教具 #homeschooling
Magnetic 100 numbers board big size 磁性百数板大款